

Text Analysis of parliament speeches in German state parliaments

In my master thesis I analyzed the parliament speeches given in the German State parliaments between 2008 and 2018. The time period covered varies between the states. My python code that converts the speeches into a machine-readable format is publicly available. I’ve have create a dataverse where you can download the scraped speeches and interjections.


I gave a workshop about the use of social media in Social Science Research at the University Freiburg. The participants received an introduction about data collection and text analysis.


Guide for Toulouse

I’ve created a guide for people who want to discover the City of Toulouse. The guide features the possibility to select a category of interest and displays the respective entries in table and on a map. Users can enter their home address and the app calculates the distance to each location and displays the home on the map as well. I’ve realized the guide using R, mostly using shiny and leaflet.